Club Competitions 2024

Knockout Competitions


Championship Singles

(Organisers Alan Cornfoot/David Charlton)

Knockout throughout season. 4 bowls each - 21 shots. No handicaps.

Handicap singles

(Organisers Alan Cornfoot/David Charlton)

Knockout throughout season. 4 bowls each - 21 shots. Handicap - deduct lower handicap from higher. Lower handicap player starts with these shots.

Court Challenge Cup

(Organisers Alan Cornfoot/David Charlton)

Knockout throughout season for men who have not won a Club singles competition. 4 bowls each - 21 shots. Handicaps apply.

Two Wood singles

(Organisers Alan Cornfoot/David Charlton)

Knockout throughout season. 2 bowls each - 21 ends.

No handicaps.

 Draws for the above four singles competitions


Championship Singles

(Organiser Karen Owen)

Knockout throughout season. 4 bowls per player. Trial ends. First to 21 shots.

Handicap singles

(Organiser Karen Owen)

Knockout throughout season. 4 bowls per player. Trial ends. Handicap added to board at start of game.

Challenge Cup (Novice)

(Organiser Karen Owen)

Knockout throughout season. 4 bowls per player. Trial ends. This is for anyone who has not won a club singles competition. Handicap added to board at start of game.

Two Wood singles

(Organiser Karen Owen)

Knockout throughout season. 2 bowls per player. Trial ends. 21 ends.

Draws for the above four singles competitions



Two Wood drawn pairs

(Organisers Alan Cornfoot/David Charlton)

Knockout throughout season. 2 bowls each - best of 3 sets (2 @ 9 ends, 1 @ 3 ends)

No handicaps.

Two Wood handicap pairs

(Organiser Karen Owen)

Two sets of 9 ends. Tiebreaker of 3 ends if required. 2 bowls per player. Handicaps apply.

Over 65's singles

(Organisers Alan Cornfoot/David Charlton)

Knockout throughout the season. 4 bowls each - 21 shots.

No handicaps

Mixed pairs

(Organiser Karen Owen)

Knockout throughout season. 4 Woods. 21 ends.

Handicaps apply

Draw for the above two events will be displayed here in due course

Over 65's Singles Draw

Mixed Pairs Draw

One Day Events

Centenary Cup

(Organisers Andy Ferguson/Colin Strouts)

Saturday 27 July 10am

Draw on day. Round-robin of 7 ends or 1.5 hours per round.

No handicaps

Belmore Cup

(Organisers - to be advised)

Saturday 3 August

Men v Ladies

Dickins Trophy

(Organisers Colin Spooner/PeterFoster)

Sunday 25 August 10am

Triples as entered. Draw on day. Rounds determined by organisers.

No handicaps

Novice singles

(Organiser Alan Cornfoot)

Competition will be played out on Finals Day provided there are sufficient qualifying entrants.

Men only one off events

Drawn pairs

(Organisers Alan Cornfoot/Bob Moore)

Saturday 17 August

4 bowls each. Round-robin of 4 games of 7 ends.

Handicaps apply.

Matthew/Allen Cups

(Organisers Bob Keen/David Charlton)

Saturday 7 September

4 wood pairs with combined handicaps of not more than 12. Round-robin followed by final of top 2 pairs

Closing Week Competition

(Organisers Colin Strouts/Malcolm Nicholson)

September 16/18/20

Ladies only one off events

Ladies Invitation Open Triples Tournament

(Organisers Jenny Anderson/Barbara White)

Sunday 14 July

Drawn pairs

(Organiser Karen Owen)

     Saturday 24 August

One day tournament, each team plays 3 games of 75 mins or 11 ends. 4 bowls per player.


Men's Major Carroll League

(Organiser Bill Hillman)

Mondays 2pm throughout season. Shot accumulation is the main objective, measured over a player's best ten games.

The top ten players will be displayed after 4 weeks of competition.

Men's Friday Evening League

(Organiser Bryan Nicholson)

Tournament played throughout the season. Triples with two bowls each. 

Two teams relegated and promoted.

Results after 19 July


Division One

Ladies Monday Evening League

(Organiser Merrilyn Lee)

Tournament played throughout season. Triples with two bowls each.

Results after 22 July