Founded in 1897

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Wednesday 24 July - Mollie Cleggett progress

The Ladies of Canterbury in their equivalent competition to the Cox Cup (the Mollie Cleggett), had one four at home and one away against Whitstable yesterday evening.

Our home team of Maddie McConomy, June Mitchell, Mandy Catt and Chrissie Barr, for once, found it had hard going against a strong four from Whitstable and went down by 9-15.

However, our away four of Jenny Anderson, Karen Owen, Sue Mates and Yvonne Gambrill came away with a stunning victory by 27-9 so ensuring an overall success. This means that in round 4 our Ladies have another tough assignment when they will face Birchington next Tuesday.

Tuesday 23 July - Cox Cup progress

Last evening saw a nail-biting encounter with Folkestone Parks in the divisional fourth round of the Cox Cup. A strong Parks team skipped by Jason Avery beat our four of Chris Dawson, Alan Cornfoot, Joe Vandepeer and Matt Rich by one shot. However, our away side of Paul Causer, Pete Foster, Jeff Vane and Steve Wells rescued the situation by winning by five shots, so providing an overall win by four shots.

Not only did the Parks team win away but they beat us hands down on the tattoo front.

We now move on to a fifth round encounter against Ashford Rail. Should we be successful in that match (next Monday) we would be in the Final which will be held on our green on 5 August at 5.30pm.

Saturday 20 July - stimulating interest in bowls amongst the younger population

We entered into a partnership with The Langton Grammar School for Boys to provide an experience of playing bowls. Organised by our Head Coach, Michael Hutchison, with help from a range of members we were able to provide "tasters" of bowls to over 50 students over 5 days during the week beginning 15 July.

The students were boys aged 12 to 13 and boys and girls from the 6th form and we are grateful to the school for their help in enabling this initiative. Some of the students showed great promise should they decide to continue with their bowls adventure.

Saturday 20 July - fixture update

Friday 19 July - ladies skills day

The Ladies of the Club like to improve their bowling skills and they invited County coaches to come and give them some pointers on this first scorching day of summer.

Thursday 18 July - all good things must come to an end

Last evening a dramatic end to our Top Club ambitions came about at Betteshanger as our Fours, leading with two ends to go, fell at the final fence after some fine bowling from Sandwich A. So we lost 3-2. But it has been a magnificent run and all our team have performed well over some very tough matches in this National competition.

But a special mention must be made for our consistent performers in the individual events, the Two Wood and Four Wood singles.

Once again Joe Vandepeer walks away after convincing win over Mark McCaughan in the Two Wood singles.

This was followed by a sparkling display by Alan Cornfoot who obtained a concession from Shaun McCoughan at the end of proceedings.

So in the last two rounds of the Top Club competition Alan defeated the reigning England Singles Champion followed by the defeat of the reigning Kent Singles Champion (Shaun). You don't get much better than that.

Tuesday 16 July - ignoring football, the news becomes even better

Tonight Chris Dawson and Jeff Vane booked themselves a place at Leamington for the National Championships by beating a pair from Sheerness 18-10 in the area Senior Pairs final on the neutral green of Kemsley BC. Tremendous.

And more good news, in an extremely tight contest, the ladies beat Sellindge 31-30 in the Mollie Cleggett. Away team lost by 5 shots and Maddie McConomy, Karen Owen, Mandy Catt and Chrissie Barr won by 6.

Sunday 14 July - Ladies tournament triples

At last the weather gods smiled upon a major event put on at the club! It was no less than the organisers deserved after arranging for 28 triples to compete in the showcase tournament of the Ladies bowls year.

Credit to Barbara White and Jenny Anderson for their diligent work over many weeks to make it happen. Thanks also to our loyal trio of sponsors who provided an attractive level of prize money for this event.

There are many volunteers which make this event work, the bar staff, the catering team, the greenkeepers, but a special mention for two gentlemen who get placed in a dark corner with computer and printer away from the crowd, as deep concentration is required to decipher scorecards and produce up to date tables. Not an activity for the faint-hearted.

And the winners were:

First: Mo Hayes (Ashford Rail), Chrissie Barr (Canterbury), Yvonne Gambrill (Canterbury)

Second: Shirley Grace and team

Third: Kim Buggins and team

Fourth: Mandy Catt and team

Saturday 13 July - charitable event

Every year for many years there has been held a charitable day in support of a fund administered by the KCWBA (Ladies Benevolent Fund). The Fund provides support for lady bowlers in need, for example, those recovering at home after hospital operations. It is organised on a divisional basis across Kent. In our division this year it was held at Boughton on Thursday. Our club was represented by a triple of Mandy Catt, Sue Mates and Yvonne Gambrill and they came runners-up of the 16 teams participating.

Thursday 11 July - KCBA are here to play

Our Club was formed in 1897. The Kent County Bowling Association (KCBA) came into existence in 1911 and at that time it was dominated by Clubs in easy travelling distance to London, however Canterbury Bowling Club decided to play a part.

Mr W A King became our representative on the KCBA and he would go on to be its President in 1922.

It was in 1916 that the practice of the President and Committee members making visits to associated clubs was established. One of the first was to Canterbury where it was reported that it started with a lunch at the Rose Hotel; a four rink match which Canterbury won by 86 to 84; a high tea at the skating rink; followed by a hurried visit to the Cathedral.

When Canterbury moved greens in 1930 to our new Nunnery Road green the opening match was against the KCBA.

So, when the KCBA President and other officers came to play at our Club this Wednesday, it had a great tradition behind it.

In the centre of the photo is Robert Baldwin, KCBA President 2024 and to his left is Sue Close, Canterbury President and to his right Bob Keen, our Vice President (thanks to Richard Close for the photos).

We had two members playing for the KCBA. David Charlton who is our Club’s Divisional representative on the KCBA Council and Leon King who is a Past President of KCBA and the Secretary of Division Four.

Leon in the background and David in the foreground

Our County competitions would not exist without the enormous amount of volunteer time that so many people in the KCBA provide. They are also the link to Bowls England and the National and International scene.

Leon has run the Divisional Four competitions for many years and has officiated at numerous semi-finals and finals, with his quiet authority ensuring smooth running.

The breadth of KCBA operations can best be understood by examining their website so extensively built by Rick Travers over many years.

We are not aware whether there was time to visit the Cathedral after the high tea.

Wednesday 10 July - who is playing where and when?

The website tries to keep up with the members and their involvement in County or National competitions. The more successful the members the greater difficulty in keeping up. We shouldn't complain as they are doing rather well.

To help you and to remind ourselves we have constructed a crib sheet.

This information is pieced together from several sources. We hope it is accurate, but no guarantees. The events except the final three have start times of 6pm. More background is given in our County and National page.

Wednesday 10 July - the start of the Mollie Cleggett

For the Ladies of Canterbury the Mollie Cleggett has an especial significance. Firstly, they are the holders of this Kent-wide prestigious trophy and secondly, it is the last of the County or National competitions in which the Ladies have participants this year.

Fifty-two teams have entered the Mollie Cleggett this season, so we were only at the start yesterday of what we hope will be a long and successful journey. It is a two fours competition with one four at home and one four away.

Our away four (Sue Close, June Baker, Sue Mates and Yvonne Gambrill) won at Thanet by one shot 16-15. So it was down to the home leg not to let the side down. Our four of Maddie McConomy, June Mitchell, Mandy Catt and Chrissie Barr certainly did not and won 32-8.

Sponsors of Canterbury Bowling Club

We are fortunate to have various high quality organisations that sponsor our Club in a number of ways. Some advertise their brands by placing boards on our Clubhouse - click on the expanding images and the hyperlinks for Burgess Hodgson, Chartered Accountants,  Choose Leisure, Motorhomes, Canterbury Specsavers ,Hearing and eye health, Mickle Creative, Design, printing and websites, Boys & Maughan, Solicitors, Chaucer Hospital ,Private hospital and McCarthy Stone ,Retirement homes.

Some firms sponsor our fixture book

In Action Bowlswear, bowls equipment suppliers, Mark Cosgrave Wealth Management Ltd, financial planning services, Tim Gower Building Services Ltd, extensions, renovations and conversions, Woollard & Kent, funeral services

Our fixtures now appear on our Competitions page

Some firms support our tournaments

Some also support us in other ways